键盘侠|76人输的不冤 总决赛双星都超40击败过73胜球队
(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) 【赛后贴】今日NBA常规赛,独行侠133-126战胜76人。 双方关键球员数据: 独行侠:东契奇42分4篮板12助攻1抢断,欧文40分4篮板6助攻3抢断,布洛克15分3篮板1助攻,伍德10分2篮板,克莱伯9分6篮板3助攻,小哈达威8分2篮板1助攻,鲍威尔4分4篮板1助攻3抢断1盖帽,约什-格林5分5篮板2助攻1抢断。 76人:恩比德35分8篮板1助攻2抢断,哈登27分4篮板13助攻,马克西29分2篮板2助攻1抢断,哈里斯10分5篮板3助攻,梅尔顿12分7篮板6助攻5抢断,麦克丹尼尔斯6分4篮板1助攻,米尔顿2分1篮板1助攻,里德2分1篮板1助攻,尼昂0分3篮板。 相关新闻:真的很猛!东契奇与欧文同场各自砍下40+ 独行侠队史首对! [–]Celticsmr_duong567 158 points 5 hours ago Luka and Kyrie dropping 40 on the Sixers is wild 凯尔特人球迷:东契奇欧文同砍40+,奇文,奇闻! [–]Bucksscifiscythian 58 points 6 hours ago Fatty and Flatty save the day 雄鹿球迷:胖七七,欧地平,齐心协力把球赢! [–]76ers177676ers 379 points 5 hours ago Luka and kyrie were just too good tonight 76人球迷:东契奇得分榜稳坐第一,欧文破境重返陆地神仙! [–]76ersQui3TKyD 81 points 5 hours ago James Harden might as well have had a mavs jersey on in the 4th with some of those bad turnovers smh 76人球迷:哈登的低级失误,让我怀疑他是特务! [–]76ersPhillyspecial6969 223 points 4 hours ago They both fucked us tonight. 76人球迷:七七能投能突,神仙不留活路。追分靠替补,主力又掘坟墓。残酷,残酷,关键时刻无助! [–]SpursGGezpzMuppy 49 points 5 hours ago Fuck imagine two superstars score over 40 in a finals, they could beat 73 win teams 马刺球迷:别忘了,总决赛中,球队双星都得40+是击败过73胜球队的! [–]docchakra 2 points 2 hours ago crazy stat. KAT twice is even crazier. 球迷:这样的数据让人惊叹,唐斯两次上榜让人惊掉下巴! 相关新闻:东欧在无加时情况下同砍40+ 过去30年常规赛第5对队友组合 [–]MavericksHotdogIsaSandwitch 19 points 3 hours ago Damn, happens every two years now. 2017, 2019, 2021, and now 2023. Wemby and Jalen Green gonna be the next duo in 2025 独行侠球迷:2017,2019,2021,加上这次是2023年,每两年能出一次这样的数据,下次就是2025年的文班亚马和杰伦-格林。 [–]Habanerosauce3 72 points 4 hours ago The Mavs hit 13 more 3s than the 76ers and won by 7 球迷:独行侠比76人多进13个三分,那分差不得……7分啊! [–]MavericksMaleficentLoquat9827 2 points 2 hours ago They hit like 20 more and lost to the lakers this ain’t new. 独行侠球迷:打湖人那场差不多也多进20个三分,最后还输了呢! [–]Mavericksjfrodriguez1983 5 points 4 hours ago We have no paint defense. 独行侠球迷:外线是很强,禁区不设防! [–]Shift_Tex 731 points 2 hours ago Mavericks can’t defend the paint. Sixers apparently can’t defend the three. A match made in heaven. 球迷:独行侠禁区失守,76人三分失守,防守端菜鸡互啄。 [–]PacersNe1tu 37 points an hour ago who the hell can guard embiid? he's like a modern day shaq with perimeter shooting maxed the fk out 步行者球迷:说的好像谁能防得住恩比德一样,他这体型就是当代奥尼尔,关键是他还有投篮啊! [–]Mavericksmchisholm41 30 points an hour ago Realistically no one, but the Mavs make most big men look like world beaters 独行侠球迷:确实没人能防得了恩比德,但独行侠的禁区防守,是个大个子来都能吃顿饺子! [–]76ersfalcons93 78 points 6 hours ago There was a play in the last minute where embiid did not even jump for a rebound and the Mavs got the ball back. 76人球迷:最后一分钟有个球,恩比德看着篮板球都不带跳一下的,球权就那么拱手相让! [–]Mavericksparitoshg 7 points 5 hours ago It was a back to back for philly and they got to dallas at like 1 am in the night 独行侠球迷:76人可是背靠背,而且是凌晨1点才到达拉斯! [–]SunsMalfallaxx 14 points 5 hours ago* This is what I thought was going on with him too but Embiid didn’t even play last night, he was out with foot soreness 太阳球迷:我本来也以为恩比德是背靠背累了,但上一场他因为脚踝酸痛没打啊! [–][CLE] Dwyane Wadechaosanddarkness 3 points 4 hours ago I mean foot soreness is a good reason and painful reason to not be jumping in the fourth quarter. 骑士球迷:你看,都说了脚踝酸痛,那不跳就能说得通了。 [–]Darkonite40 231 points 2 hours ago What luka was doing to pj tucker was elderly abuse 球迷:塔克防东契奇的效果,和我奶奶去防是一样的。 [–]Apprehensive-Law2435 482 points 2 hours ago 2 teammates combining for 82 ? sounds familiar 球迷:两人合砍82分?这集我看过! [–]MavericksGotKarprar 316 points 2 hours ago I can think of two teammates combining for 82 but one had 81 独行侠球迷:你看的那集是其中一个人就砍下了81吧! [–]MavericksSmuckers77 161 points 2 hours ago Sixers big 3 went crazy too tho tbf 独行侠球迷:76人的三巨头打得也很好啊! [–]NetsSixthFan 141 points 2 hours ago That big 3 of Maxey, Bbpaul and Jalen McDaniels in the fourth quarter that nearly erased a 19pt deficit 篮网球迷:是啊,第四节刚开始,马克西,里德和麦克丹尼尔斯差点就把19分的分差抹平了,真三巨头! [–]LakersDudeWTH 51 points 6 hours ago j kidd just watching like all of us 湖人球迷:基德看这波追分时,和我们一样专注! [–]MavericksFuzakenna_ 50 points 5 hours ago Doc is the only coach Jason Kidd can out coach 独行侠球迷:基德跟里弗斯比,也就是倒二比倒一! [–]SunsDjLionOrder 183 points 6 hours ago I’m not sure who was trying to get fired first, Doc or Jason Kidd 太阳球迷:真想知道他俩谁先下课! 来源:Reddit&Twitter 编译:前任城主 |
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